


In 1976 I had dinner at a friend’s home with Ansel Adams. I was about 25 years old he was about 85.
During dinner, I saw him drink 6 tall glasses of straight vadka.
And late at night, he said, in a very matter of fact way, I had a creative hot streak in the 1940s and since then, I’ve been pot boiling.Potboiling means creating inferior work for money.
And when I heard that, I knew that when I was 85, I didn’t want to look back on my life and have the same assessment.
For me, art is about solving problems and facing challenges, exploring the world and exploring the medium.
It’s not about making beautiful pictures.The pictures are a byproduct of the process.
This dinner was the last of five formative events that happened near the beginning of my photographic career.


Don’t try to take beautiful pictures. I’ll be clear do not try to take good pictures.
Good pictures are a by product of a process.



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